I don’t expect this to be a traditional blog. I don’t really keep a journal these days because I’m not terribly keen on revisiting the past. But I’d like to start creating reminders to myself of things that I think will help me now and possibly in the future.

Expect content to be edited and modified over time. Instead of a bunch of timestamped posts that are only snapshots of my thoughts at a particular time, I would prefer to have pages that change as I remember things, grow interested in new things and tire of old things – content may go away when I decide I’d like to forget it. The only way I could think of to create this kind of space is to have my own website. So here I am!

I am completely new to this era’s way of building websites, so this will be a slow, dynamic process. Hopefully you’ve only made your way here after I had something to share. If not, I urge you to not spend any more of your time reading this and go find more interesting things to do!